STANBIC Bank would like to take this oppoturnity to express its regret due to the cancellation of the Hugh Masekela Concert which was scheduled to take place on Saturday night (Yesterday) June 11 2011 at the Golden Tulip Hotel ina Dar es Salaam.

The Concert was cancelled due to lack of payment to the artist by the Promoter and organizer of the show Heri Bomani of full Circle Africa Limited.

Speaking at the Press Conference at Southern Sun hotel today on Sunday 12th June, Stanbinc Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs Abdallah Singano said " As a sponsor wea are very disappointed at this cancellation and are going to take legal action against the promoter".

Also Speaking at the Press Conference ,Hugh Masekela said "We are Very disappointed by what happened and sincerely apologize for not delivering to our fans.We are sdad that we came to Tanzania and let down our fans because of the promoter who failed to deliver on our agreement .We promise to comeback in the future anda give our fansa a Fantastic Show".

Singano continued saying, "We really apologize to all Hugh Masekela fansa that paid good money to see the show and didin't get to see it".All tickets holhders should gert in touch with the promoter of the show to arrange for refunds.

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cleopatra.mseka said…
If you knew you hadnt paid him you should have never let us waste our time waiting for two hours in the venue