Jeniffer kushoto mtoto aliyevumbuliwa kipaji na Kanumba na kung'ara katika filamu ya This It aliyocheza kama mtoto mtukutu nayefuata ni Meneja Masoko Simbiso Machine.
The Great akipokea Tunzo yake leo katika hafla fupi iliyofanyika kwenye ofisi za Steps Entertainment ambao wanasimamia mauzo ya kazi za msanii huyo anayeng'ara katika filamu . Msanii chipukizi Khanifa akiwa ameketi na mama yake kabla ya kukabidhiwa tinzo hiyo. Mtoto Jeniffer akisalimia wanahabri hawapo pichani pia amewashukuru wazazi wake kwa kumpa fursa ya kuendeleza kipaji chake na kuwataka wazazi wengine kuto wabania watoto wao .
Jeniffer na Wastara Mrs.Sajuki msanii aliyetamba katika filamu ya Mboni yangu na mpaka sasa natishakwa upande wa wasanii wa kike katika tasnia ya filamu nchini.
Na mimi sipitwi hasa ukizingatia mama wa Jeniffer ni shostito kitaaani watu tuna mtoto staa. Baba Khanifa 'Jeniffer' kushoto akiwa na binti yake . Kampuni ya Steps Entertainment jana iliwakabidhi rasmi wasanii wawili ambao inasimamia kazi zao waliofanya vizuri katika tamasha la filamu la Majahazi lililomalizika wiki iliyopita visiwani Zanzibar.
Wasanii waliokabidhiwa tunzo zao ni Steven Kanumba na Hanifa Daudi Kibavu almaarufu kwa jina la ‘Jeniffer’ waliotunikiwa kwa kupitia filamu yao ya ‘This Is It’.
Kwa ushindi huo Jennifer alishinda nafasi ya msanii bora katika filamu hiyo hivyo Filamu hiyo imeingia kwenye shindano la Panafrican Film and Television Festival FESPACO Ouagadougou- Burkinafaso shindano kufanyika mwezi ujayo.
Akizungumza katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari jana kwenye Ofisi za Kampuni hiyo Jijini Dar es Salaam , Meneja Masoko Simbiso Machine kwamba kusema kuwa mbali ya ‘This Is It’ filamu nyingine zilizowania tunzo hiyo ni Briefcase, Best Wife Divorce.
Zote zinasambazwa na Kampuni ya Steps Entertainment zilizoshiriki katika shindano la Mini Ziff lililofanyika Zanzibar kuanzia tarehe 31st December 2010 hadi tarehe 2nd Januari 2011..
Wakati huohuo aliongeza kwa kusema kuwa wanatarajia kufungua tawi la kuuza filamu za kibongo nchini Rwanda ambazo pia zitauzwa kwa bei nafuu hiyo no katika mpango wa kujipanua kimasoko na kukidhi haja ya waopenzi wa filamu za Kitanzania.
“Tilipokwenda Rwanda, Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo (DRC) tulikuta watu wakiwa na mapenzi ya dhati kwa filamu za Kitanzania tatizo nyingi walizokuwa wakizipata walipata kwa njia ya magendo na kwa bei ya dola tano hivyo wengine walishindwa kununua sisi tutafungua tawi na kuweka bei muafaka” alisema Simbiso.
“Wakiwa Congo ambako walifanya uzinduzi wa filamu itwayo Offside katika miji ya Goma na Bukavu ambako mashabiki wa filamu za kitanzania walijitokeza kwa wingi hadi tukashangaa wenyewe, hatukutegemea kupata sapoti ya namna hiyo” alisema Simbiso.
Pia Steps wamepata haki za kusambaza filamu mbili ziitwazo Neria na Kard ya Njano za nchini Zimbabwe.
Lengo kubwa lakununua hizi filamu ni kuonesha waTanzania ambao niwadau wakutengeneza filamu ikawa nichangamoto kwao kuona ubora wafilamu za waafrika wenzetu. Hizi filamu zimerekodi kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
Tunapenda kushukuru sana vyombo vya habari kwa ushirikiano ambao tulipata na
Mpaka sasa tushaanza kupeleka filamu zetu incini Australia na Canada.
Wasanii waliokabidhiwa tunzo zao ni Steven Kanumba na Hanifa Daudi Kibavu almaarufu kwa jina la ‘Jeniffer’ waliotunikiwa kwa kupitia filamu yao ya ‘This Is It’.
Kwa ushindi huo Jennifer alishinda nafasi ya msanii bora katika filamu hiyo hivyo Filamu hiyo imeingia kwenye shindano la Panafrican Film and Television Festival FESPACO Ouagadougou- Burkinafaso shindano kufanyika mwezi ujayo.
Akizungumza katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari jana kwenye Ofisi za Kampuni hiyo Jijini Dar es Salaam , Meneja Masoko Simbiso Machine kwamba kusema kuwa mbali ya ‘This Is It’ filamu nyingine zilizowania tunzo hiyo ni Briefcase, Best Wife Divorce.
Zote zinasambazwa na Kampuni ya Steps Entertainment zilizoshiriki katika shindano la Mini Ziff lililofanyika Zanzibar kuanzia tarehe 31st December 2010 hadi tarehe 2nd Januari 2011..
Wakati huohuo aliongeza kwa kusema kuwa wanatarajia kufungua tawi la kuuza filamu za kibongo nchini Rwanda ambazo pia zitauzwa kwa bei nafuu hiyo no katika mpango wa kujipanua kimasoko na kukidhi haja ya waopenzi wa filamu za Kitanzania.
“Tilipokwenda Rwanda, Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo (DRC) tulikuta watu wakiwa na mapenzi ya dhati kwa filamu za Kitanzania tatizo nyingi walizokuwa wakizipata walipata kwa njia ya magendo na kwa bei ya dola tano hivyo wengine walishindwa kununua sisi tutafungua tawi na kuweka bei muafaka” alisema Simbiso.
“Wakiwa Congo ambako walifanya uzinduzi wa filamu itwayo Offside katika miji ya Goma na Bukavu ambako mashabiki wa filamu za kitanzania walijitokeza kwa wingi hadi tukashangaa wenyewe, hatukutegemea kupata sapoti ya namna hiyo” alisema Simbiso.
Pia Steps wamepata haki za kusambaza filamu mbili ziitwazo Neria na Kard ya Njano za nchini Zimbabwe.
Lengo kubwa lakununua hizi filamu ni kuonesha waTanzania ambao niwadau wakutengeneza filamu ikawa nichangamoto kwao kuona ubora wafilamu za waafrika wenzetu. Hizi filamu zimerekodi kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
Tunapenda kushukuru sana vyombo vya habari kwa ushirikiano ambao tulipata na
Mpaka sasa tushaanza kupeleka filamu zetu incini Australia na Canada.
Press Release 06 January 2010
Steps Entertainment is a registered entertainment company that deals in production and distribution of local movies. The company was established in the year 2007 and has since grown to be among the most renowned and leading production and Distribution Companies not only in Tanzania but also in East Africa.
The company produces six high class/blockbuster movies monthly. The movies are rated by the quality of the production and the ability of the actors and actresses involved. This actually has a great influence in the market in terms of demand.
Steps Entertainment has created employment for many youths by providing them with the much needed capital to produce their movies and distributing them across the country.
A week ago four of our movies, Briefcase, Best Wife, This is It and Divorce took part in the Mini Ziff Competition held in Zanzibar from 31st December 2010 to the 2nd of January. We are glad to announce that the Movie, This is It scooped the best movie position whilst Hanifa Daudi popularly known as Jennifer scooped the best artist award from the same movie. The movie This is It secured a ticket to take part in the continental competition of the Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO next month. We feel this is a good way to start the year and we hope for better things as the year goes by.
We feel we are moving one Step Ahead each day if not two, three weeks ago, from 15th to 20th December 2010 to be precise, we embarked on a tour of Congo where we conducted shows to launch the movie Offside in Congo’s Goma and Bukavu towns. The response was overwhelming, far from what we had anticipated and we have now decided to open a branch in Kigali.
Some Congolese have been coming to buy DVDs from us but the quantities weren’t that big but during the show we noticed that everyone new about us, everyone was watching our movies. When Kanumba chanted his mach kwa macho slogan the crowd finished it for him, same applied to Ray when he said alah!! The crowd shouted back….mpumbavuu much to our surprise and delight. Even when MC said usiseme pikipiki the crowd chanted back sema toyo! This showed that the crowd had been watching our movies extensively, given the volume of purchases made, its quite clear that most of them got pirated copies. In a way thanks to piracy our movies and artists became popular now our main aim is to fight piracy by making sure we supply adequate original copies at affordable prices that is why we are working on opening a branch there.
Steps Entertainment is proud to announce that it has acquired the rights to distribute Neria and Yellow card, popular Zimbabwean movies dubbed into Kiswahili language. You might wonder why we are distributing Zimbabwean movies but the idea is to let Tanzanian viewers get a glimpse of Zimbabwean culture as well as allow Tanzanians to learn from Zimbabwe especially if you look at the production quality of the movies and compare it ours.
Our sincere gratitude goes to the media who have walked with us in this journey since 2007 when the company was established. Steps would not be one step ahead without the support of the media, the artists, the fans, agents and our critics.
Our critics helped us change for the better and we thank them a lot for their criticisms which helped us grow.
We hope government will recognize our efforts and step in to boost our efforts to promote Tanzanian movies and spread Tanzanian culture across the globe, seeing our movies are now going as far as Canada and Australia.
Steps Entertainment is a registered entertainment company that deals in production and distribution of local movies. The company was established in the year 2007 and has since grown to be among the most renowned and leading production and Distribution Companies not only in Tanzania but also in East Africa.
The company produces six high class/blockbuster movies monthly. The movies are rated by the quality of the production and the ability of the actors and actresses involved. This actually has a great influence in the market in terms of demand.
Steps Entertainment has created employment for many youths by providing them with the much needed capital to produce their movies and distributing them across the country.
A week ago four of our movies, Briefcase, Best Wife, This is It and Divorce took part in the Mini Ziff Competition held in Zanzibar from 31st December 2010 to the 2nd of January. We are glad to announce that the Movie, This is It scooped the best movie position whilst Hanifa Daudi popularly known as Jennifer scooped the best artist award from the same movie. The movie This is It secured a ticket to take part in the continental competition of the Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO next month. We feel this is a good way to start the year and we hope for better things as the year goes by.
We feel we are moving one Step Ahead each day if not two, three weeks ago, from 15th to 20th December 2010 to be precise, we embarked on a tour of Congo where we conducted shows to launch the movie Offside in Congo’s Goma and Bukavu towns. The response was overwhelming, far from what we had anticipated and we have now decided to open a branch in Kigali.
Some Congolese have been coming to buy DVDs from us but the quantities weren’t that big but during the show we noticed that everyone new about us, everyone was watching our movies. When Kanumba chanted his mach kwa macho slogan the crowd finished it for him, same applied to Ray when he said alah!! The crowd shouted back….mpumbavuu much to our surprise and delight. Even when MC said usiseme pikipiki the crowd chanted back sema toyo! This showed that the crowd had been watching our movies extensively, given the volume of purchases made, its quite clear that most of them got pirated copies. In a way thanks to piracy our movies and artists became popular now our main aim is to fight piracy by making sure we supply adequate original copies at affordable prices that is why we are working on opening a branch there.
Steps Entertainment is proud to announce that it has acquired the rights to distribute Neria and Yellow card, popular Zimbabwean movies dubbed into Kiswahili language. You might wonder why we are distributing Zimbabwean movies but the idea is to let Tanzanian viewers get a glimpse of Zimbabwean culture as well as allow Tanzanians to learn from Zimbabwe especially if you look at the production quality of the movies and compare it ours.
Our sincere gratitude goes to the media who have walked with us in this journey since 2007 when the company was established. Steps would not be one step ahead without the support of the media, the artists, the fans, agents and our critics.
Our critics helped us change for the better and we thank them a lot for their criticisms which helped us grow.
We hope government will recognize our efforts and step in to boost our efforts to promote Tanzanian movies and spread Tanzanian culture across the globe, seeing our movies are now going as far as Canada and Australia.